8 Best Leg & Inner Thigh Workouts

Best Exercise to reduce Legs and Inner Thigh Workout:

#1. Standing Side Leg Raises:
  • Side leg raises targets the adductor muscle group, which is an essential for performing daily activities like walking, lifting, and balancing. 
  • It helps to tone your hips, butts, and thigh muscles, reduces the excess fat, and increases the lean muscle mass.

How To Do:

1. Your initial position: stand straight with your feet at the shoulder width and hands on your hips.
2. Lift your right leg to side around 45 degrees & then lower it back & repeat the same movement with the other leg.
3. Do the necessary amount of repetitions you desire. 
4. You have to exhale as you raise your leg and inhale as you return it to the initial position.

#2. Calf Raises:

Calf raises is a great workout for boosting ankle stability and overall balance.

How To Do:

1. Stand on flat surface with your toes pointed straight ahead. 
2. Lift your heels off the floor to flex your calf muscles. 
3. Pause for moment and then slowly return to the floor. 
4. That counts as one rep.

#3. Flutter Kicks:

Benefits of flutter kicks:
1. It burns calories.
2. It is an excellent Cardio as cardio increases the heart rate. 
3. It helps to tone up the Lower Body. 
4. It sheds stubborn Belly Fat. This is what we all always want – to shed the belly fat.  
5. It sculpts your Abs. 
6. It strengthens the Legs. 
7. It improves your posture. 
8. It reduces back pain.

How To Do:

1. Lie on your back on a mat, holding a single dumbbell in your hands. 
2. Lift your shoulders off the ground, and hold the dumbbell over head. 
3. Lift your legs up off the floor and drive your lower back in to the mat. 
4. Swiftly move your feet up and down like you're swimming in the air.

#4. Plank with Leg Raises:

The plank leg lifts is a full body exercise which you can do anywhere, that trains the core, legs, glutes & shoulders. This exercise strengthens and tones your whole body, improves your posture and stability, trims down body fat and boosts your metabolism.

How To Do:

1. Start by assuming a pushup position and keep your hands at a shoulder-width Make sure that your shoulders, hips, and the ankles line up together. It is your initial position.
2. Brace your abs and raise the right leg off the floor until it is at your hip height. Pause for a second or two before lowering your leg to the original position.
3. Now lift your left leg and follow the same steps.
4. Do the desired number of reps.

#5. Sumo Squats:

Sumo Squat benefits:
This squat is a great lower body strength exercise that would emphasize the muscles of your inner thigh, as well as the glutes, quads, hip flexors & calves. It is a surprise core exercise too.

How To Do:

  1. Stand up with a bit wider than shoulder width with opened legs.
  2. Turn the feet out for about 10-20 degrees
  3. Slightly bend your knees.
  4. Keep your back straight & the head in extension to the spine.
  5. Push out your chest.
  6. You can cross or even stretch the arms in front of your body.

#6. Lying Side Leg Raises:

This exercise is beneficial as it enhances posture, flexibility, balance and limb speed. 
It involves many groups of muscles of your lower body: side hip flexors, thighs, glutes, hamstrings, calves and obliques as well. Side leg raises helps women to get rid of cellulite.

How To Do:

Lie on your left side, first. Comfortably bend your bottom knee. Your top knee is in a straight line behind you.
  1. Make the same movement as if you are up against a wall.
  2. Heel is in the same line as your torso, up against the wall.
  3. Place the top hand right in front of yourself.
  4. Allow yourself to roll into your hand ever so slightly so that if you had a light shining off your hip bone, it would be hitting the floor about six feet in front of you.

#7. Deep Side Lunges:

The side lunge is an effective lower body exercise that strengthens your quads, glutes & hamstrings while also targeting both the inner and outer thighs. By moving in a side 2 side motion rather than the traditional lunge motion of forward & back, you recruit your thigh muscles & also work on your balance & stability. This is a great exercise to add into your workouts to tone your lower body, improve your balance & get leaner legs.

How To Do:

1. Start standing with legs slightly wider than shoulder-distance apart and toes pointed forward.
2. Shift your body weight to one leg bending the knee until it reaches a 90-degree angle and the other leg is straight. Glutes are pressing back behind you. Return to center and switch sides.

#8. Side Leg Extensions:

Side leg raises targets this muscle primarily, which leads to many benefits, including:
  1. better range of motion in the hips.
  2. better body stabilization.
  3. use of muscles that aren't usually active in those who sit for prolonged periods each day.
  4. improved muscle endurance.

How To Do:

  1. Position yourself on the floor by placing your hands and knees on the floor. 
  2. Align your knees under your hips and then place your hands under your shoulders.
  3. Pull your abs in to stabilize your torso as you extend your left foot out along the floor until they're 90 degree with the knee. 
  4. Lower your left leg, returning it to the start position and repeat with the right leg. 


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